260 No timer available 280 DDE channel not fully closed; awaiting response from foreign application 281 No More DDE channels 282 No foreign application responded to a DDE initiate 283 Multiple applications responded to a DDE initiate 284 DDE channel locked 285 Foreign application won't perform DDE method or operation 286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response 287 User pressed Escape key during DDE operation 288 Destination is busy 289 Data not provided in DDE operation 290 Data in wrong format 291 Foreign application quit 292 DDE conversation closed or changed 293 DDE Method invoked with no channel open 294 Invalid DDE Link format 295 Message queue filled; DDE message lost 296 PasteLink already performed on this control 297 Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic 298 System DLL '|1' could not be loaded 320 Can't use character device names in file names: '|1' 321 Invalid file format 322 Cannot open any more files 325 '|1' is not a valid resource file 326 Resource with identifier '|1' not found 335 Could not access system registry 336 Object server not correctly registered 337 Object server not found 338 Object server did not correctly run 340 Control array element '|1' doesn't exist 341 Invalid control array index 342 Not enough room to allocate control array '|1' 343 Object not an array 344 Must specify index for object array 345 Reached limit: cannot create any more controls for this form 360 Object already loaded 361 Can't load or unload this object 362 Can't unload controls created at design time 363 Custom control '|1' not found 364 Object was unloaded 365 Unable to unload within this context 366 No MDI Form available to load 367 Can't load (or register) custom control: '|1' 368 The file '|1' is out of date. This program requires a newer version. 369 Operation not valid in a DLL 380 Invalid property value 381 Invalid property array index 382 '|1' property cannot be set at run time 383 '|1' property is read-only 384 A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized 385 Must specify index when using property array 386 '|1' property not available at run time 387 '|1' property can't be set on this control 388 Can't set Visible property from a parent menu 389 Invalid key 390 No Defined Value 391 Name not available 392 MDI child forms cannot be hidden 393 '|1' property cannot be read at run time 394 '|1' property is write-only 395 Cannot use separator bar as menu name for this control 396 '|1' property cannot be set within a page 397 Can't load, unload, or set Visible property for top level menus while they are merged 400 Form already displayed; can't show modally 401 Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed 402 Must close or hide topmost modal form first 403 MDI forms cannot be shown modally 404 MDI child forms cannot be shown modally 419 Permission to use object denied 423 Control '|1' not found 424 Form not found 425 Invalid object use 426 Only one MDI Form allowed 427 Invalid object type; Menu control required 428 Popup menu must have at least one submenu 429 License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment. 444 Method not applicable in this context 460 Invalid Clipboard format 461 Specified format doesn't match format of data 480 Can't create AutoRedraw image 481 Invalid picture 482 Printer error 483 Printer driver does not support specified property 484 Problem getting printer information from the system. Make sure the printer is set up correctly. 485 Invalid picture type 486 Can't print form image to this type of printer 490 Top-level or invalid menu specified as PopupMenu default 520 Can't empty Clipboard 521 Can't open Clipboard 523 The data binding DLL, '|1', could not be loaded. 524 |1 525 Data Access Error 527 The given bookmark was invalid 536 Could not lock the database 537 Could not access the desired Column 541 Could not lock the database 542 The row has been deleted since the update was started 545 Unable to bind to field: '|1' 2000 Visual Basic 2013 IntlRuntimeLCID 2014 BooksExePath 2015 CloneSingleUseClass 2016 ReportDesign 2033 wndclass_desked_gsk 2034 wndclass_flex_gsk 2035 wndclass_pbrs 2036 Project 2037 Environment 2038 Editor 2039 Advanced 2048 Visual Basic 2060 BackgroundProjectLoad 2063 ToolboxOnTop 2064 PropertiesOnTop 2065 ProjectOnTop 2066 DebugOnTop 2067 UpgradeVBX 2068 ShowToolTips 2069 GridWidth 2070 GridHeight 2071 ShowGrid 2072 AlignToGrid 2073 SaveBeforeRun 2074 DefSaveFormat 2075 CustomColors 2077 ToolBar 2078 ToolBox 2079 ColorPalette 2080 ProjectWindow 2081 ImmediateWindow 2082 MainWindow 2083 PropertiesWindow 2084 DebugWindow 2085 RecentFile1 2086 RecentFile2 2087 RecentFile3 2088 RecentFile4 2089 DataAccess 2092 DBCSJapan 2093 Add-Ins32 2094 ShowObjects 2095 ShowControls 2096 ToolboxBitmaps32 2097 NeverAutoReferenceDAO 2098 CBTPath 2099 NoWalkingClones 2100 ShowSelectedOnly 2101 DontShowDAO 2102 IntlRuntimeDLL 2105 ReadOnlyMode 9000 Microsoft Visual Basic 9001 Delete Current Embedded Object? 9002 Delete Current Link? 9003 Linked %s 9006 Activate Object 9008 Cu&t 9009 &Copy 9010 &Paste 9011 &Delete 9012 Align to &Grid 9013 P&roperties 9014 &View Code 9015 Create Embedded Object 9016 Create Link 9017 Delete Embedded Object 9018 Delete Link 9019 Insert Object... 9020 Paste Special... 9021 &Bring To Front 9022 Se&nd To Back 13000 True 13001 False 13002 TrueFalse 13003 Object: 13004 Proc: 13005 (General) 13006 (No Events) 13007 (Declarations) 13008 &Start F5 13009 &Continue F5 13010 Brea&k Ctrl+Break 13011 &Undo 13012 &Redo 13013 &Undo Delete Ctrl+Z 13014 Can't Undo Ctrl+Z 13015 Can't Redo Ctrl+Q 13016 Ctrl+Z 13017 Ctrl+Q 13018 (None) 13019 (Icon) 13020 (Bitmap) 13021 (Metafile) 13022 Continue Loading Project? 13023 Project1 13024 Open Project 13025 Add File 13026 Add Custom Control 13027 Add Reference 13028 Help File 13029 Compatible OLE Server 13030 Insert File 13031 Save Text 13032 Text Files(*.Txt)*.TxtBasic Files(*.Bas)*.BasClass Files(*.Cls)*.ClsAll Files(*.*)*.* 13033 VB Files(*.Frm;*.Bas;*.Cls;*.Res)*.Frm;*.Bas;*.Cls;*.ResForm Files(*.Frm)*.FrmBasic Files(*.Bas)*.BasClass Files(*.Cls)*.ClsResource Files(*.Res)*.ResAll Files(*.*)*.* 13034 Save File As 13035 Save Project As 13036 Project Files(*.Vbp;*.Mak)*.Vbp;*.MakAll Files(*.*)*.* 13037 Project Files(*.Vbp)*.VbpAll Files(*.*)*.* 13038 Form Files(*.Frm)*.FrmAll Files(*.*)*.* 13039 Basic Files(*.Bas)*.BasAll Files(*.*)*.* 13040 Class Files(*.Cls)*.ClsAll Files(*.*)*.* 13041 Custom Controls(*.Ocx)*.OcxAll Files(*.*)*.* 13042 Type Libraries(*.Olb;*.Tlb;*.Dll)*.Olb;*.Tlb;*.DllExecutable Files(*.Exe;*.Dll)*.Dll;*.ExeOLE Controls(*.Ocx)*.OcxAll Files(*.*)*.* 13043 Help Files(*.Hlp)*.Hlp 13044 Make EXE File 13045 Make OLE DLL File 13046 OLE DLL Options 13047 EXE Files(*.Exe)*.Exe 13048 DLL Files(*.Dll)*.Dll 13049 Executable Files(*.Exe;*.Dll)*.Exe;*.DllAll Files(*.*)*.* 13050 Load Picture 13051 All Picture Files*.Bmp;*.Wmf;*.Emf;*.Ico;*.Dib;*.CurBitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)*.Bmp;*.DibMetafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)*.Wmf;*.EmfIcons(*.Ico;*.Cur)*.Ico;*.CurAll Files(*.*)*.* 13052 DatabaseName 13053 Databases(*.%s)*.%sAll Files(*.*)*.*Databases(%s)%sAll Files(*.*)*.* 13054 MdbDbfDbfDbfXlsXlsXlsXlsDbfDbfDbfDbf*.Wk1;*.WksWk3Wk4DBDBDB*.Txt;*.Csv;*.Tab;*.Asc 13055 Load Icon 13056 Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur*.Ico;*.CurAll Files(*.*)*.* 13057 View Form 13058 View Code 13059 Module%d 13060 Class%d 13061 Properties 13062 Module 13063 ClassModule 13064 (Read Only) 13065 Global Object 13066 Microsoft Visual Basic 13067 design 13068 run 13069 break 13070 Ctrl+ 13071 (List) 13072 (Text) 13073 Compiling... 13074 Loading... 13075 Writing EXE... 13076 Writing DLL... 13077 Sub Main 13078 (About) 13079 (Custom) 13080 A virus has been detected. Visual Basic will now terminate. 13081 Automatic 13082 Unexpected critical error: can't start program 13083 Out of Memory 13084 Debug Window 13085 ... 13086 13087 Aa 13088 Default 13089 Custom Colors >> 13090 Define Colors... 13091 Form 13092 MDIForm 13093 Check 13094 Combo 13095 Command 13096 Data 13097 Dir 13098 Drive 13099 File 13100 Frame 13101 HScroll 13102 Image 13103 Label 13104 Line 13105 List 13106 Option 13107 Picture 13108 Text 13109 Timer 13110 VScroll 13111 Shape 13112 Menu 13113 OLE 13114 0 - Manual1 - Automatic 13115 0 - None1 - Horizontal2 - Vertical3 - Both 13116 0 - None1 - Fixed Single 13117 0 - Left Justify1 - Right Justify2 - Center 13118 0 - None1 - Automatic2 - Manual3 - Notify 13119 0 - None1 - Fixed Single2 - Sizable3 - Fixed Dialog4 - Fixed ToolWindow5 - Sizable ToolWindow 13120 0 - Normal1 - Minimized2 - Maximized 13121 0 - Unchecked1 - Checked2 - Grayed 13122 0 - None1 - Source 13123 0 - Solid1 - Transparent2 - Horizontal Line3 - Vertical Line4 - Upward Diagonal5 - Downward Diagonal6 - Cross7 - Diagonal Cross 13124 0 - Solid1 - Dash2 - Dot3 - Dash-Dot4 - Dash-Dot-Dot5 - Transparent6 - Inside Solid 13125 0 - Transparent1 - Solid2 - Dash3 - Dot4 - Dash-Dot5 - Dash-Dot-Dot6 - Inside Solid 13126 1 - Blackness2 - Not Merge Pen3 - Mask Not Pen4 - Not Copy Pen5 - Mask Pen Not6 - Invert7 - Xor Pen8 - Not Mask Pen9 - Mask Pen10 - Not Xor Pen11 - Nop^^ 13127 12 - Merge Not Pen13 - Copy Pen14 - Merge Pen Not15 - Merge Pen16 - Whiteness 13128 0 - User1 - Twip2 - Point3 - Pixel4 - Character5 - Inch6 - Millimeter7 - Centimeter 13129 0 - Default1 - Arrow2 - Cross3 - I-Beam4 - Icon5 - Size6 - Size NE SW7 - Size N S8 - Size NW SE9 - Size W E10 - Up Arrow11 - Hourglass12 - No Drop^^ 13130 13 - Arrow and Hourglass14 - Arrow and Question15 - Size All99 - Custom 13131 0 - Dropdown Combo1 - Simple Combo2 - Dropdown List 13132 0 - None1 - Simple2 - Extended 13133 0 - Rectangle1 - Square2 - Oval3 - Circle4 - Rounded Rectangle5 - Rounded Square 13134 0 - None1 - Align Top2 - Align Bottom3 - Align Left4 - Align Right 13135 0 - Flat1 - 3D 13136 (None)Ctrl+ACtrl+BCtrl+CCtrl+DCtrl+ECtrl+FCtrl+GCtrl+HCtrl+ICtrl+JCtrl+KCtrl+LCtrl+MCtrl+NCtrl+OCtrl+PCtrl+QCtrl+RCtrl+SCtrl+T^^ 13137 Ctrl+UCtrl+VCtrl+WCtrl+XCtrl+YCtrl+ZF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F11F12Ctrl+F1Ctrl+F2Ctrl+F3Ctrl+F4Ctrl+F5Ctrl+F6Ctrl+F7Ctrl+F8^^ 13138 Ctrl+F9Ctrl+F11Ctrl+F12Shift+F1Shift+F2Shift+F3Shift+F4Shift+F5Shift+F6Shift+F7Shift+F8Shift+F9Shift+F11Shift+F12Shift+Ctrl+F1^^ 13139 Shift+Ctrl+F2Shift+Ctrl+F3Shift+Ctrl+F4Shift+Ctrl+F5Shift+Ctrl+F6Shift+Ctrl+F7Shift+Ctrl+F8^^ 13140 Shift+Ctrl+F9Shift+Ctrl+F11Shift+Ctrl+F12Ctrl+InsShift+InsDelShift+DelAlt+Bksp 13141 0 - Left Justify1 - Right Justify 13142 0 - Transparent1 - Opaque 13143 0 - Linked1 - Embedded2 - Either 13144 0 - Automatic1 - Frozen2 - Manual 13145 0 - Clip1 - Stretch2 - AutoSize3 - Zoom 13146 0 - Manual1 - GetFocus2 - DoubleClick3 - Automatic 13147 0 - Content1 - Icon 13148 0 - None1 - Left2 - Middle3 - Right 13149 All Files*.* 13150 Print To File 13151 Comments 13152 Company Name 13153 File Description 13154 Legal Copyright 13155 Legal Trademarks 13156 Product Name 13157 Pointer 13158 * 13159 409 13160 ~ 13161 ~ 13162 0 - No Operation1 - ON2 - OFF3 - DISABLE4 - DBCS HIRAGANA5 - DBCS KATAKANA6 - SBCS KATAKANA7 - DBCS ALPHABET8 - SBCS ALPHABET 13163 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. 13164 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, 13165 may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. 13166 This product 13167 is licensed to: 13168 Copyright© 1987 - 1995 13169 Microsoft Corporation 13170 This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in Help About. 13171 For 32-bit Windows Development 13172 0 - Move First1 - BOF 13173 0 - Move Last1 - EOF2 - Add New 13174 0 - Table1 - Dynaset2 - Snapshot 13175 AccessdBASE III;dBASE IV;dBASE 5.0;Excel 3.0;Excel 4.0;Excel 5.0;Excel 7.0;FoxPro 2.0;FoxPro 2.5;FoxPro 2.6;FoxPro 3.0;Lotus WK1;Lotus WK3;Lotus WK4;Paradox 3.x;Paradox 4.x;Paradox 5.x;Text; 13176 Key save area for Visual Basic Design Environment 13177 The project name and the .EXE filename for both applications are the same. Change the Project Name setting in the Project Options dialog box and use a unique name for the current .EXE file. 13178 The project name is the same for both applications. Change the Project Name setting in the Project Options dialog box. 13179 The .EXE filenames for the two applications are the same. Specify a different filename for the current .EXE file. 13180 Your application is incompatible with |1.\n\n 13181 No conflicts will occur, however, because the project name and .EXE filename are different. 13182 \n\nYou can see the specific incompatibilities by returning to design mode and running the project. 13183 The |1 member was found in the |2 class module of the Compatible OLE Server, but not in the current project. 13184 If you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support OLE Automation controllers compiled against the Compatible OLE Server. 13185 To avoid this incompatibility, add the declaration back into the class module, or clear the Compatible OLE Server setting in Project Options. 13186 The |1 class module was found in the Compatible OLE Server, but not in the current project. 13187 If you choose Accept, the project will no longer support OLE Automation controllers which access the |1 class and were compiled against the Compatible OLE Server. 13188 To avoid this incompatiblity, add the |1 class back into the project, or clear the Compatible OLE Server setting in Project Options. 13189 |1 in the |2 class module has arguments and/or a return type that is incompatible with a similar declaration in the Compatible OLE Server. 13190 If you choose Accept, the |1 class module will no longer support OLE Automation controllers compiled against the Compatible OLE Server. 13191 To avoid this incompatibility, edit the declaration to be compatible, or clear the Compatible OLE Server setting in Project Options. 13192 The Name property of the current project |1 is different from the name of the Compatible OLE Server |2. 13193 To avoid this incompatiblity, change the Project Name, or clear the Compatible OLE Server setting in Project Options. 13194 All 13195 Down 13196 Up 13197 Code Window Text 13198 Selection Text 13199 Syntax Error Text 13200 Breakpoint Text 13201 Next Statement Text 13202 Comment Text 13203 Keyword Text 13204 Identifier Text 13205 Missing: 13206 High 13207 Medium 13208 Low 13209 Draft 13210 OK 13211 You are not able to Make EXE in the Visual Basic Working Model. Make EXE is enabled in all other versions of Visual Basic 4.0 13212 The Data Manager, a Visual Basic tool that allows you to build databases using the JET database engine, is not available in the^^ 13213 Working Model. The Data Manager is enabled in all other versions of Visual Basic 4.0. To test the Data Access^^ 13214 functionality in Visual Basic, please use the database (BIBLIO.MDB) included with the Working Model. 13215 You may only load or create projects with two modules (Forms, MDI Forms, Modules, Classes) in the Visual Basic Working^^ 13216 Model. Projects may contain an unlimited (system dependant) number of modules in other versions of Visual Basic 4.0. 13217 Working Model for 13218 32-bit Windows Development 13219 %s support file 31001 Out of memory 31003 Can't open Clipboard 31004 No object 31006 Unable to close object 31007 Can't paste 31008 Invalid property value 31009 Can't copy 31017 Invalid format 31018 Class is not set 31019 Source Document is not set 31021 Invalid Action 31022 Unable to initialize OLE 31023 Invalid or unknown Class 31024 Unable to create link 31026 Source name is too long 31027 Unable to activate object 31028 Object not running 31029 Dialog already in use 31031 Invalid source for link 31032 Unable to create embedded object 31033 Unable to fetch Link source name 31034 Invalid Verb index 31035 Incorrect Clipboard format 31036 Error saving to file 31037 Error loading from file 31038 This control requires VB version 3.0 or greater 31039 Unable to access source document 31040 You cannot set DisplayType while the control contains an object 50000 Incompatible version of WIN87EM.DLL; quitting 50001 Unexpected error; quitting 50002 Not enough memory to run; quitting 50003 Stop statement encountered 50004 Wrong version of run-time DLL 50005 Wrong version of operating system; requires Windows NT 3.51 (build |1 or above), or Windows 95 (build |2 or above) 50010 Internal error: '|1' 50011 Bad file name or number: '|1' 50012 File not found: '|1' 50013 Bad file mode: '|1' 50014 File already open: '|1' 50015 unused 50016 Device I/O error: '|1' 50017 File already exists: '|1' 50018 Bad record length: '|1' 50019 unused 50020 Disk full: '|1' 50021 Input past end of file: '|1' 50022 Bad record number: '|1' 50023 Bad file name: '|1' 50024 File previously loaded: '|1' 50025 Tried to load module with duplicate procedure definition: '|1' 50026 Too many files: '|1' 50027 Device unavailable: '|1' 50028 unused 50029 Permission denied: '|1' 50030 Disk not ready: '|1' 50031 unused 50032 Unable to load control from: '|1' 50033 unused 50034 Path/File access error: '|1' 50035 Path not found: '|1' 50050 Must have startup form or Sub Main() 50051 Incompatible version created '|1' 50052 Can't save file to TEMP 50054 The file, '|1', is invalid. Only forms, modules, and classes can be added to the project using Add File. Use the Tools menu in order to add Controls or References to the project. 50055 Unrecoverable Error: A project could not be created, terminating Visual Basic. 50056 '|1' is a VB1 form and cannot be loaded into VB4. 50057 '|1' could not be loaded. 50058 The basic code in '|1' was corrupt, and couldn't be loaded. 50059 The project file '|1' is corrupt, and can't be loaded. 50060 Search string is too long 50061 Can't delete module; must Re-Initialize first 50062 Unable to get system fixed font 50063 A module with this name exists 50064 Invalid procedure name 50065 Nothing to search for or replace 50066 Not enough room to paste contents into current line 50067 Can't set next statement 50068 Search text not found 50069 Text too long to edit 50070 One or more replacements too long and not made 50071 Syntax errors produced while replacing 50072 An undo error has occurred. Further undo is unavailable. 50073 Watch expression too long, expression truncated 50074 An expression must be selected 50075 Search string has unmatched brackets 50076 Error reading Tutorial file '|1' 50077 Tutorial directory '|1' not found 50078 Can't find file '|1' 50079 Not enough memory to load file 50090 Duplicate procedure name 50091 Can't find Windows Help .EXE file 50092 Can't empty Clipboard 50093 Can't open Clipboard 50094 Can't use character device names in file names 50095 Can't display system information 50096 Invalid procedure name 50097 A procedure of that name already exists 50098 The application description can't be more than 2000 characters long 50130 Control must be same type as rest of array 50131 Array already has control at index '|1' 50132 Not a legal object name: '|1' 50133 Must specify which item(s) to print 50134 Can't clear Index property without changing Name 50135 '|1' is a class name 50136 '|1' is a control name 50139 Controls without the align property cannot be placed directly on the MDI form 50140 File is read-only 50141 Project file is read-only 50150 Event handler must be a Sub procedure 50151 Incorrect number of event procedure arguments 50152 Event procedure argument has incorrect data type 50170 Menu item skipped a level 50171 Can't put check mark here 50172 Can't assign shortcut key to a top level menu 50173 Can't use separator bar as menu name 50174 Menu control must have a name 50175 Menu control array element must have an index 50176 Menu control array indexes must be in ascending order 50177 Menu control array elements must be contiguous and within the same submenu 50178 Shortcut key already assigned 50179 Separator may not be checked or disabled, or have a shortcut key 50180 At least one submenu item must be visible 50181 Separator may not be the Window List menu 50182 Can't have more than one Window List menu 50183 Only Top Level Menus can have non-zero NegotiatePosition 50200 Valid range is 1 to 32 50201 Valid values are whole numbers from 24 to 1188 50202 Option Explicit 50203 Project Name '|1' is invalid 50220 New not allowed on this type 50221 Main can't be module, type, project, or form name 50222 A DLL must use Sub Main() as its entry point 50235 You need to fill in the DatabaseName and/or Connect properties of the Data Control to complete this operation. 50236 You need to fill in the RecordSource property of the Data control to get a list of field names. 50240 Project too large too make into an EXE. 50241 Version numbers must be in the range 0 to 9999 50242 Invalid Base Address 50243 No creatable public class module detected.\nPress F1 for more information. 50245 Only one resource file allowed 50246 Duplicate resources with same type and name 50250 Programmatic ID string too long '|1' 50251 The name '|1' contains invalid characters when part of a Programmatic ID 50252 Registration information too large to make into an EXE 50253 OLE Server could not be created 50254 The Public property for Class |1 cannot be set to True. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment. 50255 The file '|1' does not contain information needed to create a compatible OLE server. 50256 The Instancing property for Class |1 cannot be set to Creatable SingleUse for a DLL 50257 The Visual Basic development environment is acting as a single-use server for the requested OLE object and can't provide multiple instances of that object. Consult the documentation for restrictions on single-use OLE classes. 50260 Do you want to upgrade all |1 objects in this project to |2 objects? 50261 The class name of the newly upgraded |1 objects is |2. Since this is different from their previous name of |3, you must change any declarations of this object that you have in code. 50262 All |1 objects in this project will be upgraded to |2 objects. 50270 Could not find Data Access Library. Cannot Create reference. 50271 Can't exit Windows while an OLE object is active for editing. 50272 SHARE.EXE must be installed in order to run Visual Basic 50274 RecordSource property of the associated data control is empty. 50275 Visual Basic was not able to start up due to an invalid system configuration. 50277 Unable to launch Books Online. 60001 Can't remove control or reference; in use 60002 Can't quit at this time 60003 This action cannot be completed because the |1 application (|2) is not responding. Choose "Switch To" to activate |1 and correct the problem. 60004 This action cannot be completed because the |1 application (|2) is busy. Choose "Switch To" to activate |1 and correct the problem. 60050 Invalid command line argument '|1' 60051 Save changes to '|1'? 60052 You already have a control named '|1'. Do you want to create a control array? 60053 Error loading '|1'. The code associated with this form could not be loaded. Continue loading form? 60054 Error loading '|1'. An error was encountered loading a property. Continue? 60055 Error loading '|1'. A control could not be loaded due to load error. Continue? 60056 '|1' has old file format. 60057 Replace existing '|1'? 60058 '|1' doesn't exist 60059 '|1' already exists in project 60060 '|1' is a Read-Only file 60061 Errors during load. Refer to '|1' for details 60062 '|1' could not be loaded 60063 Version number missing or invalid; Visual Basic 4.0 assumed. 60064 String value too long to process; form load aborted 60065 One or more files in the project have changed. Do you wish to save the changes now? 60066 '|1' could not be registered 60067 Binary Translator, VBTRANS.EXE, could not be run. Basic module '|1' not loaded. 60068 Binary Translator, VBTRANS.EXE, could not be run. Code portion of form '|1' not loaded. 60069 Other applications are currently accessing an object in your program. Ending the program now could cause errors in those programs. End program at this time? 60070 One or more of the properties in '|1' was bad. Some or all of the properties might not be set correctly. 60071 '|1' could not be loaded.\n\nRemove it from the list of available Add-Ins? 60072 Visual Basic cannot load '|1' because it is not in the system registry.\n\nPlease ensure that all Add-Ins have been installed correctly. 60073 The form name for file '|1' is different than the module name. Visual Basic will use the form name. 60074 Forms must always be non-public and non-creatable. Resetting form |1 to default values. 60075 The declaration in the Compatible OLE Server was:\n\n|1 60076 Visual Basic can't upgrade the custom controls to those provided in the '|1' library. Remove this library from the list of available upgrades? 60077 Visual Basic found an instance of '|1' in a binary form file. VBX's cannot be converted from binary form files in the 32-bit version. 60078 An error occured while background loading module '|1'. Background load will now abort and the code for some modules may not be loaded. Saving these modules to their current file name will result in code loss. Please load a new project. 60100 Line |1: The Form or MDIForm name |2 is not valid; cannot load this form. 60101 Line |1: The control name |2 is invalid. 60102 Line |1: The property name |2 in |3 is invalid. 60103 Line |1: |2 has a quoted string where the property name should be. 60104 Line |1: Property |2 in control |3 had an invalid property index. 60105 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 could not be loaded. 60106 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 must be a quoted string 60107 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 had an invalid value. 60108 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 had an invalid file reference. 60109 Line |1: Property |2 in |3 could not be set. 60110 Line |1: Class |2 of control |3 was not a loaded control class. 60111 Line |1: Did not find an index property and control |2 already exists. 60112 Line |1: Control name too long; truncated to |2. 60113 Line |1: Class name too long; truncated to |2. 60114 Line |1: Syntax error: property |2 in |3 was missing an '='. 60115 Line |1: Parent menu |2 cannot be loaded as a separator. 60116 Line |1: Cannot set checked property in menu |2. Parent menu cannot be checked. 60117 Line |1: Cannot set shortcut property in menu |2. Parent menu cannot have a shortcut key. 60118 Line |1: The name |2 is already in use as a |3 name. 60119 Line |1: The Form or MDIForm name |2 is already in use; cannot load this form. 60120 Line |1: The file |2 could not be loaded. 60121 Line |1: Maximum nesting level for controls exceeded with |2. 60122 Line |1: All controls must precede menus; cannot load control |2. 60123 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; containing control not a valid container. 60124 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; name already in use. 60125 Line |1: Missing or invalid control class in file |2 60126 Line |1: Missing or invalid control name in file |2. 60127 Line |1: Cannot load properties into |2. Reverting to default properties. 60128 Line |1: Cannot create embedded object in |2; license not found. 60129 Line |1: Cannot create embedded object in |2. 60130 Line |1: Cannot load control |2; license not found. 60131 Line |1: Cannot load control |2. 60132 Line |1: The CLSID |2 for |3 is invalid. 60162 ... 60170 |1 KB Free 60171 Save Text 60172 VB.CBT 60173 CBTLIB.EXE 60174 CBT.EXE 60175 None 60176 Present 60177 386 Enhanced Mode 60178 Standard Mode 60179 Could not create reference: '|1'.